I joined Women on Air in the early days and was lucky to attend useful presentations from women at senior levels of media during a formative stage in my career. I used both the knowledge and network I gleaned from Women On Air to become a regular guest, as a local newspaper editor, on shows like Tonight with Vincent Browne, Newstalk Breakfast and RTE Today, resulting in a move to a full time role in broadcasting.Ten years on, as I move back into print, I can say Women On Air changed the trajectory of my career completely and provided me with a much broader and deeper experience than I otherwise would have had.

Women on Air was crucial in helping me (and countless other women like me) to literally ‘get on air.’ With the challenges posed by Brexit and the need to have balanced and informed voices as part of the debate – there is a democratic need to hear the views of women. After all, women make up approximately half the population and it’s critical to hear from a wide, balanced variety of views and perspectives, represented on the airwaves. Women on Air training, insights, advice and support gave me more confidence in saying ‘Yes,’ to those interview and media requests. As a part of the Women on Air community, I was supported and encouraged to find my own voice and be a better communicator on media.

Women on Air afforded me an opportunity to consider interview requests I would have previously shied away from. It’s a fantastic resource to have the female voice heard whatever the topic.

Women on Air not only gave me the confidence to say ‘yes’ to going live on air on FM104, but it also activated an inner powerful desire to put myself out there as a speaker on youth and wellbeing issues. Why? Because Women on Air reminded me that my voice is needed. Thank you.

Women on Air encouraged me, or more accurately ‘kicked me’, to say ‘Yes’ to interview requests. By attending Women on Air events I gained confidence to find my own voice.

Women on Air has given me access to decision-makers and working journalists in the media. This interaction has given me real insight into their perspectives, needs and the working realities of the world they inhabit.